Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sharpening Your Mind’s Eye – Memory Drawing

A visual memory of Barcelona

It's Tuesday Tips and Tricks at Urban Sketchers - Chicago!  Check out the fun games and exercises to improve your observational and memory skills.  Powerful observation and a strong visual memory are a definite plus for any sketcher.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 5 – Can Spring Be Far Behind?

Sea Grass – Sarasota

Sea Oats – Sarasota

Amelia Island, GA
Day 5 of the art posting challenge, which is to post 3 pieces of work each day for 5 days and to nominate another artist each day to do the same! Today, I nominate Ronelle Van Wyk to join in the fun. It was Ronelle's beautiful blogs (yes, she has more than one) that captured my attention and got me started blogging, Thank you, Ronelle!

I began this challenge with some bitter cold looking landscapes that put me in mind of Percy Bysshe Shelley's
"O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?"
Today it's so cold in Chicago I'm looking past spring and thinking of summer!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 4 – Portrait Possibilities

Possibilities – Morgan

Off the Cuff – Pope Francis

Remarque Paperworks

Day 4 of the art posting challenge, which is to post 3 pieces of work each day for 5 days and to nominate another artist each day to do the same! Today, I nominate Kelly Brown to join in the fun.

Looking through older work clearly shows how different projects require different things. Today I post three portraits, one done for love, one done as an editorial illustration, and another done as a sketch for a greeting card design. Vive la difference!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 3 – Watch Your Step!



 Day 3 of the art posting challenge, which is to post 3 pieces of work each day for 5 days and to nominate another artist each day to do the same! Yesterday I nominated Carole Hennessy and today I nominate Adriana Gasparich.

We've had our share of trips to emergency rooms and hospitals.  I find drawing to have a calming influence on me.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 2 –Food Glorious Food!


Green Tea and PB&J

Fig Compote 

Day 2 of the art post challenge – Today I challenge Carol Hennessy!
The  PB&J and the Fig Compote are from my sketchbook and are about 5.5 x 6.5 . The Eggs are larger, about 16 x 14.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

Brown Day

Winter Light

On the Road_Winter

It looks like 2015 will be different kind of year. As the old year ends I usually revisit the year's projects and challenges but 2015 begins with a review and challenge! Andrew Banks Illustration & Photography nominated me for the sharing artwork challenge which is to post 3 pieces of my art each day for 5 days, and to nominate another artist each day to do the same.
This is day #1 and today I nominate Pat Southern-Pearce.