Monday, April 30, 2012

And Many More!

just got back from a quick trip to San Francisco where we celebrated my grandson's and son's birthdays with robots and lighthouses –  different days, same month. It was a great time but all too short.
I love sketching in SF but this time there wasn't a lot of time for sketching. I did manage a few.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lions of Michigan Ave. and Adams

The Art Institute of Chicago is one of my favorite places in the city. There's something for everyone! This week I was there several times for a variety of reasons. Each time I had the pleasure of crossing the street with the Streetwise vendor. I don't know his name. I should ask him the next time I'm there. This has been his regular corner for years so I'm familiar with his friendly banter, his tall tales of Chicago and his corner of the city. Each time I'm impressed by the pride and effort he puts into his job. Most of the time I end up crossing the street with a Streetwise under my arm but always with a smile on my face. When he's not on duty I miss him.
If you're in Chicago and at the Art Institute be sure to meet this other lion at Michigan Avenue and Adams! Oh, and buy a Streetwise!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

To Post or Not To Post

Our Monday sketch group met on Wednesday this month due  to the Easter holiday.  We call ourselves a sketching group but I think we're a chatting group that sketches – even in the Newberry Library where we met this month. Either way we have a good time. 
Right now the Newberry is hosting the Chicago Calligraphy Collectives annual exhibit, a remarkably beautiful show. I'm amazed at the creativity and skill of these artists. I'm envious!
These pages, done in my 8 x11.5 Moleskine watercolor book, are just some fast visual notes from the library lobby. Nothing much or great going on but it is what it is and I enjoyed doing it. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

And Very Early in the Morning…

It was a beautiful Easter Sunday in Chicago. I don't often draw in church but is was the perfect way to entertain a robot-obsessed three year old on Easter morning! With a seven, five and three year old enjoying the holiday at our place that was the only time to sketch anyway!  I hope you all had a glorious weekend too.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


LUMA (Loyola University Museum of Art) and the Center for Intuitive and Outside Art are co-hosting and exhibit of outsider art with the theme of Heaven + Hell – LUMA hosting the Heaven side and Intuit, the Hell. On Monday the docents from LUMA toured the Intuit presentation with Jan Petry, one of the curators. Familiar now with both installations I am astounded by the creativity and vision of mankind when we just let go and let the artist out.