Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good News-Bad News.01 and.02

First the good news.01- the reportage class with Mark McMahon is back on and it is fabulous! He's a great teacher. Bad news.01 -the sketch pad doesn't fit my scanner so I'll have to photograph the sketches before I can post them.
Good news.02 - our Monday sketch group met at Water Tower Park on Michigan Ave. Bad news.02- I just couldn't seem to put into practice anything I learned on Saturday in class!

The horse and buggy moved on before I could finish but I do like the rhythm of the lines.


  1. They always move (sigh).. Actually, I like the bare lines of the carriage & driver - gives a sense of motion & it's sort of abstract. Your sketches of the people are fine too! Let me know when you figure out that reportage nuance. :)

  2. Well, this looks pretty good to me. I know what you mean about putting new techniques into practice - it takes a little time, even though it seems obvious. Your class sounds wonderful, looking forward to hearing more about it!

  3. I really like all of these things you've been doing lately--excellent! They're lovely!

  4. Beautiful pages.

    Do you mind my asking what sketchbook you're using? I like the square pages and how it looks like it lays open very easily.
